Wednesday, March 10, 2010

now for sale: SCI-FI jesus fish raygun vinyl decals at my etsy!

3/10/10 UPDATE: sold outof first batch, preselling for second batch now at the etsy shop, should be in in a week or so!

3/9/10- i finally got in my shipment of black and satin silver decals that i designed to spoof the jesus fish emblem- in the shape of a ray gun touting SCI-FI!
they look great! they are 3x5 roughly, and made out of durable weatherproof vinyl supposedly good for 5 to 7 years on your car.

you can pick black or silver at the shop here.

black works best on red and lighter car paint.
silver works great on the rear window, and red or darker car paint.

they're going fast! i only placed a small order to test the waters, and i may have to order more soon. in the next batch, i may have a small number of white ones (best for back windows) and maybe metallic gold as well...for the pimps out there ;)


  1. Hey dude that's a cool emblem but someone on Digg pointed out someone has ripped you off:

    I don't have an etsy account and they don't let non-members report things, but I think you should go after them.

  2. Any chance of a 2" version I could stick on the lid of my netbook :)

  3. Yeah, i purchased 3 stickers from you and you sent me 1 that was damaged. i contacted you multiple ways and still no response. kind of a dick move really. I want at least my $10 back for the items you didn't send. If anyone questions thses accusations just check out his plummeting etsy ratings due to screwing over many others.

  4. Are you planning on ever shipping these out to all the people who paid you for them or are you just a scumbag who steals from people online?

  5. Scumbag, that has a nice ring to it. Shoe fits...

  6. I got a couple hundred people that want to buy this. Mind if we link to it on

  7. I think is a very good idea! you are very smart! I wouldn't be happy to be your enemy)))

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  8. This is awesome and I want one, but your etsy shop seems to be down.

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