Wednesday, January 13, 2010

We've got some work to do now REPRINTED- voted 'bestee of Nov 09'!

We've got some work to do now- aka 'the Velma Tee' was reprinted this week at because you guys asked for it! It was also voted 'bestee' of november, winning me more earnings and Adobe Creative Suite 4! ...up until now, I've been getting by with cs2. Maybe now I can do all that neon blur/glow crap like everyone else! Not! But all the same, at least now i won't have to beg clients to convert their templates down to cs2 for me...ha ha.
As well as being november's bestee, I am in the running with 11 others to be the absolute bestee of 2009! If I win that, I get $20,000 - an amount I have never seen owned or imagined in my life, sad as that seems...
When voting is open for that, I will need all the help I can get to make it happen, and would love you all to show your support when I have the links to vote.

thanks everyone!
and if you already own the tee- go show your support in the threadless blogs by talking about it (like, funny instances of people realizing what it's about, sightings of other people in it, etc) and submit a pic of you in it to get free credit towards other shirts at threadless! 


  1. I'm pleased for you.

    It is a mighty fine design.

  2. ORDERED! Thanks Trav. I'm just miffed because I don't already have it!!!

  3. I love the design.
    Have you ever thought of getting prints of it done?

    You could maybe even get the print screen printed on hi quality gray paper.



  4. thanks manny- as it stands, threadless has the rights to print this design now- and will hopefully print it on high quality paper soon- as they have done with many other popular designs.

  5. Can I buy it being from Brazil?
    This is the best design (shirt or else) based on any 80's cartoon I've ever seen!!!

    Congrats, man!
